Alanya is a coastal Mediterranean city, in Turkey. It is 135 kilometres away from Antalya, the largest populated city the area. Alanya is a settlement which dates back to the fourth century before Christ. The most prominent characteristic of the city is its fortress seated in a peninsula that extends in the appearance of a rocky cape and covered with fortification walls. The Taurus Mountains, which besiege the northern part of the city, with gorgeous scenery with a mountain - sea view resulting from their approximation to the Mediterranean. The contemporary settlement of Alanya has evolved in the area between this mountain chain and a more than 100 kilometres long shoreline. Along this shoreline, exists several beaches arranged according to both the natural landscape and international codes. Therefore,  Alanya is a city of mesmerising natural beauty with a rich cultural heritage.

Dominated by the Mediterranean climate, the city experiences hot and  humid summers and mild and rainy winters. The average air temperature recorded is 28 degrees Celsius in summer and 14 in winter, while the average sea temperature is 28 degrees Celsius in summers and 18 in winter. Here, snowfall is considered to be an unusual natural phenomenon. The Taurus Mountains, heaping up to 2 thousand metres at fairly close locations around the city have their share of snowfall during winter months, turning into areas suitable for people of Alanya to perform winter sports. The snow cover cast over the mountains thaws and fills up several currents flowing through deep canyons, all ending up in the Mediterranean. The numerous picnicking areas and rafting courses found at the banks of these currents are highly convenient for freshening under the hot temperature conditions of summer. Besides, highlands hosting rich flora and fauna at on high plateaus present ideal grounds for safaris and trekking. There are no industrial zones in Alanya, since travel and farming constitute the backbone activities of the city's economy. Alanya has an important share in Turkey's overall banana and citrus production output.


The Turkish Republic is a secular and democratic state of law, which was founded in 1923, under leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. It is currently a member of the European Council and a full membership candidate to the European Union. The unit of currency is Turkish Lira. The right lanes of roads are used for driving vehicles and the maximum permitted travelling speed is 90 km in all express ways. Traffic policemen conduct speed checks at blind spots with radars. The official business hours in Turkey is between 08.00 a.m. and 17.00 p.m. and official weekend breaks are on Saturday and Sunday. Alanya is a remote district of Antalya province, hosting a population of around 308 thousand. Prices are set according to the free market conditions, however, all shops and retailers must use labels to indicate such. Shopping is also allowed in most places using international currencies, led by US Dollars and Euros. Exchange offices are available for  exchanging currencies. Several mobile phone operators offer international communication services and phones may use prepaid lines. There are a large number of rental agencies renting cars, jeeps and motorcycles.
All public institutions are closed during religious and national holiday breaks, with the exception of museums. Museums on the other hand stay closed until noon of the first day of religious holidays. As the opening and closing hours of museums may differ greatly between summer and winter months due to daylight saving time, getting information from local authorities is strongly advised.
The city hosts the Byzantine Empire during the Medieval Age. It then becomes the winter capital of the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate, the Sultan of which likes it so much that he gives his name to the city, while reconstructing it. In historical chronology, Alanya had been recognised with the names Coracesium, Kalonoros and Alaiye, throughout a past of thousands of years.

The oldest traces of settlement in Alanya were found in a cave located 20 kilometres far to Alanya. These traces date back to some 18 thousand years from the present. The regional history shows parallelism with the history of Anatolia. The studies conducted have made it clearly known that the region fell within the Mountainous Region of Cilicia in the ancient history and served as a population centre throughout the reign of Hellenistic, Roman,  East-Roman, Seljuk and Ottoman civilisations. The area is also known to have served as a hideout for pirates who had been active for a while during the years before Chris on the Mediterranean. However, these activities were terminated once and for all in the aftermath of a sea fight taking place in front of Alanya during 67 A.D.. The area which was falling within the territory of the East-Roman Empire during the Middle Age and named Kalonoros, the beautiful mountain in ancient Greek was conquered by Alaeddin Kayqubad I, the ruler of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum and evolved into a major city upon reconstruction. The City was known to people as Coracesium in the Hellenistic and Roman periods and Kalonoros in the East-Roman period and later as Alaiyye during the period when it was first mentioned in historical articles as the wintertime capital of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, named after the Ruler of this Empire of the time.


Alanya Castle is included in the Tentative List of World Heritage Sites, maintained by UNESCO. Alanya Castle has also been proclaimed to be a cultural heritage site requiring protection nationwide.
It is a medieval castle founded on a peninsula that rises up to 250 metres above the sea level. However, the textures trapped within the castle's walls reflect the traces of the overlapping and overlaid nature of many cultures. Alanya Castle is a castle settlement in which life existed from the Hellenistic period onwards. It has gained its contemporary image and posture as a result of the building campaign of Alaeddin Kayqubad I, the Seljuk Sultan of the Rum, during the 13th century.  This is the period when such unique monumental structures as Kizil Kule (the Red Tower) and Tersane (the Shipyard) were built. The walls which extend so as to surround the peninsula are approximately 6 km long.  In addition to the multiple bastions and towers rising above its walls, the castle has six main entrance gates. It has two citadels. Named as Ic Kale and Ehmedek, these are visited by guests as museums in the present day. The cisterns, seraglio, barracks and chapel located in Ic Kale are especially worthy of seeing. Besides, the citadel located on the highest point of the castle offers a tremendous view of the Mediterranean and the sunset, which are a must-see for any visitor. Ehmedek, on the other hand, hosts large cisterns and a gate from the Hellenistic period. Suleymaniye Mosque, Culture and Silk House, Cistern of Mecveddin, Gemili Mosque and Bazaar Gate are among the other notable places to travel, which must be seen. Walking through the houses and streets shaped in the Ottoman architectural tradition inside the castle present a good opportunity for exploring the Castle of Alanya.
Another area arranged and transformed into a museum inside the walls is the harbour zone. The area falling between Kizil Kule and Tersane were arranged under a ship and navigation theme. The five-storied Kizil Kule offers a view of the surrounding landmark that must be seen, while possessing stairs and storeys all awaiting for explorers. Wandering around inside a Seljuk cistern by walking through orange and other similar trees from within the neighbourhood to get access to the best preserved 13th century Shipyard at the Mediterranean banks will probably be the most unforgettable experience in your memories. 

Kızıl Kule (The Red Tower)
Built in 1226 by Sultan Kayqubad I, in order to protect the harbour. Built in octagonal shape by design, the Tower is 33 metres high, having a diameter of 29 metres and is climbed by stairway of stone with 85 steps. The cistern located in the centre of the Tower was built for fetching the water needs of its occupants. At first floor of the tower, extends a walking path behind the walls, which leads to the Ehmedek section of the Castle. While Kizil Kule serves as a monumental structure to be explored by visitors, it also hosts temporary exhibitions in different times of the year.
The Seljuk Sultan of Rum, Alaeddin Kayqubad I, who built a shipyard at the banks of Black Sea before, earns the title of "sultan of the two seas" with his successful Alanya Shipyard building campaign and eventually signs trade agreements with Venice of the time. The Shipyard remained fully operational as such, until 1960s.

Built on a rock rising 10 metres high above the sea and located adjacent to Tersane ( shipyard ), in 1227. It is a three-storied building made of ashlar stones, which stood as a defensive structure for the shipyard during the Medieval Age. It has gargoyle figurines carved in the form of lion heads. 

An Alanya House renovated next to the Kizil Kule has been arranged to be a Herbarium, where numerous species of the flora and fauna of Alanya Castle are exhibited. Among the plant species exhibited, also included are those which are endemic to the Alanya Castle alone.

There are two neighbourhoods where life still continues, within the walls of Alanya Castle. The houses populating these neighbourhoods are conventional villas built between late 19th and early 20th centuries. The villas are generally two-storied, built with wood and stones. Due to the lack of a water supply system accessing the houses by the time during which they were built, all houses possess cisterns either in their interiors or at their courtyards, without exception. These cisterns were used to be filled with rainwater accumulating on rooftops redirected to them by means of gravity.
Apart from all the above, there a lot more monumental structures and assets to see inside the Alanya Castle, which encompasses an area of 10 hectares. Therefore, it is highly recommended for guests to follow the walking paths and explore the Castle on foot, although climbing might be a little bit challenging. There are a variety of resting - catering facilities alongside the paths offering various goods and services to assist guests during their explorations of the castle. On exit, guests may take buses or call a cab or use the same walking path to return to the downtown. For this exploration, guests are strongly advised to wear shoes suitable for long walks and trekking and carry a hat. 


There is a multitude of historical assets and heritage in and around Alanya, which must definitely be seen. There include caravansaries, castles and ancient towns. Caravansaries are also referred to as Inns, shortly. These structures were originally built during the reign of Seljuk Sultanate, to fetch for safe overnight accommodation of people travelling along the network of trade routes, while fetching for their various needs. The distances between Seljuk caravansaries that were built along large trade routes were fixed at an interval of nine hours by a camel's ride, or, 40 kilometres.   Some of these are described below.
Those who want to visit and see the areas described in the following paragraphs are recommended to wear up properly for a long walk on rocky terrain and across wild grasses and make sure to have enough quantities of water with them.

Alara Castle
Located 37 kilometres west of Alanya, this Castle stands in the Cakallar Borough at the bank of Alara Creek. It is positioned on top a small hill with a height of 500 metres above the ground. One should climb the stairs positioned in a tunnel formation to reach the apex. In addition to an astonishing view of the surrounding landscape, a public bath and medieval castle walls are what this castle has to offer. It was conquered by Alaeddin Kayqubad I, the Seljuk Sultan of Rum, in 1232.  Archaeological studies have not as yet been specified.

The Ancient City of Colybrassus
This city is found inside Bayir Borough, located 30 kilometres north of Alanya. The relics rather possess characteristics of the Roman Period. Epitaphs found in great quantities inform the reader of the various competitions held and structures built in the city. A tomb with stairs engraved in rock and sarcophagi surrounding it in large numbers are included among the ruins. Archaeological studies have not as yet  been specified. 

The Ancient City of Hamaxia
Discovered in Elikesik Borough located 12 kilometres northwest of Alanya.  Strabon, a geographer of the time mentions of a wealth of cedar trees, for this city falling within the Pamphylia region, during the ancient period. The fortification walls encircling the city and ruins of various structures are still visible on the surface. The city has a large necropolis. Archaeological studies have not as yet  been specified.

The Ancient City of Syedra
Located 20 kilometers east of Alanya. It is predicted that the city's history goes back to 7th century BC. In the city, which sustained its existence till the 13th century BC, there is a pillared avenue, a bathing complex, a chapel and a basilica. The old city area also has a car park. Guests are recommended to follow the routes designated for this purpose. 

The Ancient City of Leartes
This is an ancient city settled at the piedmont of Cebel-i Reis mountain located 25 kilometres east of Alanya. It was discovered in the region known as Mountainous Cilicia, during the ancient times. The town possesses an agora, a bouleuterion and a large necropolis. A recently discovered epigraph written in Phoenician Language in 7th century BC is currently exhibited in the Alanya Museum.

The Ancient City of Iotape
It is 33 km. to the east of Alanya. The acropolis of the city is the high hill extending to the sea. In the valley where acropolis is connected to the land, is Harbour Street. Small bay with harbour ruins has an ideal beach to have a swim.

The Ancient City of Selinus
Located 45 kilometres east of Alanya, in Gazipasha Town centre.  It is an ancient city built on the plains at the banks of Haci Musa creek and at the slopes of a small peninsula. Its history dates back to 6th century BC. This is the place where Roman Emperor Trajan died on the 9th of August 117 AD, and his ashes sent to Rome for a proper funeral. The cenotaph built in his memory was later used as a hunting lodge, during the Seljuk period.

The Ancient City of Adanda-Lamus
It is 55 km to the east of Alanya and 2 km to the north of Adanda Village. The city is situated on the two hills constituting the peak of a steep mountain. One of the two temples of the city was built on behalf of Roman emperors Vespasianus, and the other on behalf of Titus. On the eastern hill however, one can see the rooms carved into the rocks and the necropolis with big tombs.

The Ancient City of Antiocheia ad Cragum
Located 60 kilometres east of Alanya. It was discovered in the region known as Mountainous Cilicia, during the ancient times and at the coast of Mediterranean, as a town settlement built on three hills. It derives its name from Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the King of Kommagene (Seleucid Empire), who lived during the 1st century AD. A large public bath, an oracle, a church and the council house are the most notable structures of the ancient city. In addition, the beach known as the porous sea here between hilly rocks is a natural pool.


The Alanya Museum, Ataturk House and Museum, the Herbarium, Bazaar Gate, Gemici Mosque, Silk House, Culture House, City Museum, the Cistern of Mecveddin, Ickale and Ehmedek citadels, Kizil Kule (Red Tower) and Tersane (shipyard) are the places which were designed to serve as museums, in Alanya. These museums are generally open to public service during all weekdays and may be visited between 08.00 and 19.00 hours during summer months and between 08.00 and 17.00 hours during the winter.  For more detailed information, you may call the phones mentioned in below. 
Alanya Museum Administration: Saray Mahallesi, Hilmibalcı Caddesi, No 2 Phone: 0.242. 513 12 28

Alanya Museum
Was initially opened for service in 1967. It was renewed most recently in 2013. This structure holds various sections such as Anatolian Civilisations, Ship and Navigation, Heracles, Alanya Castle and Coin Exhibition halls, as well as a children's playground arranged in a separate room. What's more, it holds a fair amount of turf, trees and bushes and peacocks living on them, mainly designed for prolonged breaks, in its large and wide courtyard. The artefacts found in this museum cover a time frame that extends from 12 thousand years before the present until the 19th century AD. These artefacts are put on display both in a chronological and thematic order. Among them included are an original epigraph written in Phoenician, a letter written by the Roman Emperor found in the ancient city of Syedra, a diploma of a soldier made of bronze, the Sculpture of Heracles being the shining star of the Museum, porcelain dishes of Seljuk period found during the excavations performed in Alanya Castle and ossuaries revealing the burial traditions of the region during the reign of the Roman Empire, in addition to countless others.
The 52 cm tall bronze Sculpture of Heracles, which is put on display in a separate hall within the Alanya Museum, is an artefact of the 2nd century A.D. Some researchers advocate that this sculpture was brought in to Alanya by pirates of the Mediterranean as among their loots, during the ancient times. Heracles is the symbol of might and power in mythology.

Ataturk's House And Museum In Alanya
This is a traditional Alanya House where Ataturk, the founder of the Republic stayed during his visit to the city in 1935. Here, you may see the personal effects of Ataturk and learn about the various customs and traditions of Alanya in the recent past in a letter he wrote to the people of Alanya, as well as getting acquainted with items and objects used in that period.

Ickale & Ehmedek
These are the parts of Alanya Castle. Both areas are citadels. Several structures and an amazing view of the landscape await for being discovered by travellers in these areas which are situated on the highest plot of the peninsula. Entrance is free for all.

Silk House And Culture House
Both museums are located at close vicinity of the Suleymaniye Mosque, inside the Alanya Castle. You may get information about silk farming and weaving, while testifying various items belonging to the period, in the retrofitted old houses of Alanya. Entrance is free for all.

Gemili Mosque
It is found on the road leading to the Alanya Castle. It is remarkable for a large quantity of ship drawings covering its walls, dated back to 14th to 17th centuries A.D. Entrance is free for all.

Bazaar (Middle) Gate
This gate is the largest portal granting entrance into the Alanya Castle. It was built in 13th century during the rule of Alaeddin Kayqubad I. Entrance is free for all. 



The coast of Alanya extending about 100 km. is famous with its natural beaches. These beaches are wide and they have Blue Flag. These beaches extending towards the east, is about 24 km and 36 km to the west. In Alanya, the colour of the sea turns to turquoise from blue. In still weather, it is possible to see the fish deep in the sea. In the west, are Damlatas and Cleopatra beaches and in the east are Keykubat and Portakal beaches. Entrance to the beaches and the showers are free. Sunbeds and beach umbrellas are provided for a small payment;  however, it is not obligatory to seek this service. At  the buffets on the beaches, the prices are fixed. On  the beaches, no boats and water sports vehicles are allowed within a certain distance. From the coast, swimming areas are determined with barriers. In the west of Alanya the famous beaches are Alara, İncekum, Avsallar, Türkler, Payallar, Konaklı and in the east; Oba, Tosmur, Kestel, Mahmutlar, Kargıcak, Demirtaş beaches.

Cleopatra Beach: It is in the west coast of the peninsula. It is sandy. Standards of the beach are international and behind the beach are green fields.
Keykubat Beach: It is in the east cost of peninsula. It is sandy. Standards of the beach are international and behind the beach are communal swimming pools.
Alara Beach: It extends almost two km. from Alara River to Karaburun Bay. It has a sandy beach. It is well organised and there is a small island in the bay.
Incekum Beach: It is approximately 1 km length and famous with very fine sand. It gets deeper after 5 meters. You can hire umbrella and sun beds on this beach.
Avsallar Beach: It is three km. between İncekum and Fuğla Bay. It is sandy. Along the beach are cafes and restaurants. The cliffs and rocks at the end of the bay are very good for scuba diving.
Türkler And Payallar Beaches: These beaches are a few km long just after Fuğla. They are partly sandy and rocky. They are more natural when compared with the other beaches.
Konakli Beach: It is nearly 10 km. long. It is totally sand but some small rocks give a natural look to the beach. Along the beach are buffets and water sport are available.
Begonvil And Orange Beaches: It is between Oba and Dim creeks. It is sandy. On the beach there are buffets selling food and beverages.
Kestel Beach: It is nearly two km long. It is sandy. On the beach there are buffets selling food and beverages.
Mahmutlar Beach: It is 10 km long. Beach is sandy with partly sand rocks. There are buffets
Kargicak Beach: It is a few km. long. The beach buffets belonging to the hotels  sell food and refreshments
Demirtaş Beach: It looks endless and it is very sandy, it is untouched and natural.


It is possible to call Alanya ‘a city of caves' you can discover the mysterious world of land and sea caves in Alanya. While wandering about the fascinating world of stalactites and stalagmites formed in thousands of years in land caves, you will also witness the forming of new stalactites and stalagmites. This witness, with the scenery created by the lighting inside the cave, will take you into a fantasy film. Kadıini Cave, which is not open for visit yet, is the settlement for the people of Alanya 20 thousand years ago. In addition, the sea caves down under the peninsula are the places where ancient mythological stories took place.

Damlataş Cave
It is located at the western foot of peninsula. There is a 50 m passage at the entrance. After the passage, there comes a cylindrical cavity. This leads to the basement of the cave. The stalactite and stalagmites inside the cave were formed in 15 thousand years. Besides its fascinating beauty, the cave is famous with its air, which is beneficial to asthmatic patients. Following the rumours that asthmatic benefited from breathing the air in the cave, scientists analyzed a sample of the air to verify the fact that the air was indeed beneficial to patients suffering from non-allergic asthma. They found that the air in the cave contains 10 to 12 times more carbon dioxide than normal air and has 95 % humidity. Temperature in the cave is 22 degrees centigrade. Both the radioactivity and ionization in the cave may contribute to the benefits derived from breathing the air in the cave.

Dim Cave
It is located 12 km east of Alanya, on the slope of Cebel-i Reis Mountain of 1,649 metres. It has an altitude of 232 m. It is the second biggest cave known to the visitors. It is estimated to be 1 million years old. There are two paths inside the cave. One is of 50 m, the other of 360 metres. There is a small lake towards the end of the cave. The 360 m. long path is prepared and illuminated, to provide a pleasant excursion offering tremendous scenery of stalagmite and stalactite for the visitors.

Korsanlar Cave
It is a sea cave under the historical peninsula. You can get there only by sea. It is ten meters width and 6 meters height. Small boats can enter the cave. There was a rumour that there was a hidden path reaching the castle and the pirates of ancient time took out their booty from this path to the upward part of the castle. The image of the rocks under the sea makes the cave more mysterious.

Aşıklar Cave
The cave, situated by the side of the historical peninsula, has two entrances. It is 75 meters long and you can reach the low entrance with a few steps. Since it has a low ceiling, you sometimes bend down while walking. The height of the entrance on the side of Damlataş Cave from the sea is 8m. You can jump into the sea here.

Fosforlu Mağara
It is a sea cave on the Damlataş Cave side of the peninsula. Small boats are able to enter the cave. Due to its geological construction including phosphorous , the ground shines almost as if flourescently at nights due to the reflection of the moonlight. It is also possible to notice the glitter in the daytime. There are also the short swimming breaks in front of the cave as swimming here is an enjoyable experience.


Although Alanya is on the coast of the Mediterranean, its back rests on Western Taurus. The Taurus Mountains are of essential importance in the life of Alanya people. Going to pasture in the mountains and spending the summer there is a thousand-year's Turcoman tradition. Up until the last century, the villagers used to leave their villages with the coming of spring and go to pasture. On the plains of the Taurus exceeding thousand meters, the tents made of goat hair were pitched and while on one side flocks were put out the pasture on the other side people makes cheese and butter and weave carpets and rugs. The pasturage culture today exists in the luxurious cottages instead of the tents for people to go there and have a cool weekend holiday. The Taurus holds the unique beauty of the nature with its pine and cedar trees covered by forests, deep valleys, peaks in clouds and rivers coming from peaks. Nowadays both local and foreign tourists commonly visit the pastures; old Turkmen traditions do still exist in these daily picnic areas.

Dim River
Dim River is 15 km inside from the coast and on the banks of it are picnic areas. In Summer, the tables of open-air restaurants under the old plane trees are set in the river. The guests can sit with their feet in the water. What's more, authentic tables with cushions are set on the wooden terraces on the slopes close to and by the river. In some restaurants, tables are on the rafts. The trout are kept in the pools in restaurant gardens. The area is proper for mountain biking and trekking.

Oba River
Oba River falls into the Mediterranean from the west of Dim River. There are picnic areas in Kadıpınarı where the rises. The shade of pine and plane trees is always cool. Kadıini Cave, known as the first settlement of Alanya in the prehistoric times, is here, too. It is inconvenient to enter the cave for safety reasons, as there are no arrangements yet. Trout fish are the most preferable dishes in the restaurants of Kadıpınarı.

Türbelinas Plateau
You can get there within an hour driving through the Taurus Mountains. In addition, safari tours with jeep convoys are organised. You can witness that drinks are kept in the cold spring water to get cool. It is recommended in the local restaurant your choice should be “village chicken” cooked with butter and tomato sauce.

Söğüt Plateau
You can reach the plateau from the bank of Demirtaş River, using a stabilised road where there are citrus fruits gardens, green houses  and pine trees. From Demirtaş,  Kaş is in 30 km, Sapadere in 35 km, Tokar in 40 km and Söğüt Pasture in 50 km. There are country cafes and restaurants in plateau countries.

Dereköy Plateau
It is a plateau village located on the sloops of the Kargı Brook valley. It is between pine trees and orchards. You can climb there using the 30 km. asphalt road. The forest is convenient for people to have a picnic and go for trekking you can do shopping from the village grocer and then drink a cup of tea in the country cafe. There are also country restaurants offering meat dishes.

Sapadere Canyon
Sapadere Canyon, which has become a mecca for those who want to escape Alanya's summer heat and freshen themselves, is literally a wonder of nature that worths visiting. Sapadere Canyon is 750 metres long, nearly 400 metres high and is located near Sapadere village. Sapadere Canyon has been a spectacular tourism site thanks to some projects, one of which is the path for walking, located on the point from which Sapadere River  starts of the canyon, with steel bricks shoring it up and the other ones of which are picnic areas, village taverns and suchlike investments. The canyon is 40 kilometers away from Alanya and you can easily reach by going through Demirtaş village's tarmac.
There is a marvellous waterfall nearly 300 meter inside of the canyon's entrance and, where the water falls is a natural pool that is big enough for swimming.
The walking platform which is designed particulary for the canyon's visitors is made with wooden and steel construction materials. There is no way this platform can damage the environment and it can rise up when it is necessary.
Sapadere Canyon, which has become a mecca for those who want to get rid of Alanya's summer heats and freshen themselves, is literally a wonder of nature that worths visiting.
While you are at Sapadere Canyon already, you should definitely visit Sapadere village's water mills and silk fabric workshops. Do not forget to eat salmons which grow in ice-cold waters that are formed by melting snows of plateaus heights. You will leave all the stress and noise of citylife behind when you breath in fresh forest air while sitting on pergolas which are set on watersides.




What would you like to eat in Alanya? Let us remind you: it is not possible to find such a variety of choices from all favourite kitchens of the world. We recommend you to taste Turkish food – exotic types of “Şiş kebab” prepared by chief cooks and traditional Alanya food. The fish, brought from the deep blue seas of the Mediterranean, are in the freezers for you. You should have a look. You may also start with a slice of white cheese and melon and “Raki”.

Keep in mind that Rakı is very strong and drunk slowly. It should not be consumed quickly. Because of the anise it contains, raki changes colour and becomes a milky white when water is added. Additional glass of pure water to go with it gives a refreshing taste.   Some people drink Rakı straight .One sip rakı, one sip water – it softens this strong drink. Rakı goes well with good conversation. It is customary to eat meze (various foods served in small plates) while drinking rakı. Raki is usually drunk with cold dishes and seafood.

Turkish Coffee
For the best Turkish coffee, roasted coffee beans have to be grinded just before making it. Turkish coffee, depending on the ones taste can be bitter (no sugar), with a little sugar, with medium sugar or with lots of sugar.


Sunset in Alanya gives a piece of good news that the nightlife begins and it lasts until next morning. Bars, discos wait for those who are young in spirit. There is no limit with the dance and the music. Pop-music, Turkish pop-music, live music. Different kinds of music come from everywhere in town. Even the stars in the sky dance.


Alanya is a complete centre of culture and art activities. One can find himself in the middle of a documentary film festival while passing by the Alanya Culture Centre or you may listen to an harp performance at Red Tower when you climb up to watch the unique scenery of Alanya. You may also meet a post modern paint exhibition in a room of Alanya Fortress during your visit or witness one of the symphonies of Beethoven while wandering in the harbour holding your ice cream. You should watch the signs in the streets of Alanya. A cultural or art activity may anytime be announced and you can enjoy it free of charge.


Health and beauty tourism is rapidly growing in Alanya and every year more and more people travel across the world to receive the  healthcare and beauty facilities available in Turkey. In Alanya,  there are many high quality and well equipped hospitals, poli clinics, plastic surgery , beauty and dental health centres.
If you are interested in any medical tourism services,  while enjoying the sun all year round  and with the cleanest beaches of the Mediterranean Coast  you should definitely choose to visit Alanya. The climate in the winter months is ideal, especially for the elderly and handicapped people spreading the health tourism over 12 months of the year. 

Medical And Dental Services
International patients from all over the world come to Alanya to the health institutions especially for plastic and aesthetic surgery, hair transplantations, infertility and check up programmes. Of course, for guests who need dialysis during their holiday this is also organised professionally by the hospitals.
In modern day high quality dental treatments and cosmetic dentistry for reasonable prices is something that many people seek. Alanya  has become a forerunner in health tourism and provides  superb quality care for all with exceptional prices.
In Alanya you can get high quality treatments fast, without long waiting process. Multi-language speaking doctors and healthcare staff make sure that the treatment process will be a very pleasant experience for you.   

Wellness And Spa
In Alanya there are many wellness and spa centers in high standard modern hotels were you can combine a luxurious holiday, spa & wellness treatments with heath tourism services for affordable prices. Accommodations are available also for long term stays.


When we talk about sports in Alanya, the first thing that comes to mind is the Triathlon Race which has a very important place in the world of sports.  However, Alanya hosts a great number of international sports such as swimming marathons, mountain bike competitions, beach volleyball and beach football. In a way, Alanya is like a capital of alternative sports in the Mediterranean. From Spring to Autumn, there is an international sports activity in Alanya.
Due to the perfect climate and good training facilities found here in Alanya,  many of the world famous sport teams have chosen to have their training camps here.  Especially the top national  football, beach volley, triathlon and bicycle teams come from all over Europe to Alanya yearly for training.

Paragliding is the simplest , easiest and the most respectful discipline of air sports, to the nature. You may become one of the privileged individuals who actually with the unique contraction of the green tones of the Mother Nature with the blue shades of the ocean, from above the ground, while performing a floating landing on the beaches of the Mediterranean coasts, from the summit of the Taurus Mountains, resembling a bird's flight in the sky that lasts for hours.
Several regions in the country are suitable for paragliding in terms of physical, geographical and climatic conditions.

Due to the excellent climatic conditions in the winter Alanya is a perfect destination for triathlon teams. With an altitude of up to 1500 meters above sea level, good quality asphalt mountain roads and wide straight quality asphalt streets. There are also mountain biking and downhill trails. The local people of Alanya pay attention to, appreciate and respect the athletes. Due to the proximity of Alanya Gazipasa airport and the superb accommodation possibilities with appropriate facilities for the teams, Alanya is an attractive center for training teams.

Within the scope of Alanya Nature Sports there are  19 walking / trekking, biking and off-road/driving courses plus 12 exclusive walking/trekking courses which have been identified, giving a total of 31 routes. On these specified routes which are within the scope of the project and plotted accordingly on the Alanya Nature Sports Map, you may comfortably perform your trekking and biking activities. By following the directional signs placed on both sides of your travelling route, you will be able to follow the length of travel information in kilometres.  Our hope is that both our local and international guests, who have not previously explored Alanya would like to get familiar with nature sports in our region.
Within the framework of the Project, informational signboards with a map of the course and project-specific directional signs displaying length of travel in kilometres were placed along the trekking, biking and off-road routes on the existing interconnecting roads. This covers  an area of 2,240 square kilometres with a width of 56 km and depth of 40 km which encompasses the Ancient Cities of Syedra and Leartes in the East, Akdag Skiing Centre, Oba - Alacami, Kizilalan, Aksaray, Basirli, Mahmutseydi, Turktas, Suleymanlar and Gedevet districts in the northeast, Alara Han and Hamaxia in the west, Little Ayasofya historical site in the north and Alanya central Roads district in the south of Alanya downtown, in addition to (2 each) crossing bridges at Kizilalan county, where mountain biking events are organised, and two panoramic landscape viewing / observation/ meeting  towers, one located at the paragliding take-off point at the piedmont of Cebelireis Mountain and the other, in the Yasir Ali county falling right above the Hidirellez Church..
For the map and further details please visit     


Opened in 2009 Alanya-Gazipaşa Airport is 40 km from the city center. Alanya-GZP Airport is now a major link for many destinations with both domestic and foreign flights, is a connection with various airlines with direct or indirect services. Passengers now have the opportunity to fly to many countries from GZP Airport.
AYT Antalya to Alanya transfers from the airport to the hotel realized in a period of 2 hours, this time is reduced to just 30 minutes from Alanya - GZP airport. For these reasons, Alanya-GZP Airport is the most appropriate and convenient entry for hotels located in and around Alanya.
 Alanya - GZP offers services for  A320, B737 and A321 types of aircraft.


The Alanya Marina was officially launched on the 10th of February, 2011.
It has 287 afloat and 150 terrestrial docking spaces equipped with slips featuring a chain vault system, at each of which, utility power, water, TV and phone connections are made. It also possesses all the means necessary for performing sports and social activities along with a semi-Olympic sized swimming pool, a variety of tennis courts, a yacht club building, training halls, indoor sporting halls and SPA centre. A terrestrial parking, maintenance and repair centre has also been built in order to enable servicing of yachts, along with a Travelling Hoist with a lifting capacity of 100 Tons and a boat carrier with a lifting capacity of 25 tons. The Yacht Supplies Shop, Market and the shopping district are more than capable of fetching for all shopping needs of yacht-owners.
Apart from all these merits, the mild temperate climatic conditions renders  the Marina of Alanya a viable place for living during winter times for those who prefer living in their boats. That is why several services envisaged to be offered in the Marina have been arranged with particular consideration of the needs of yachters who prefer living aboard their boats for prolonged periods of time.



Ambulance Servıces : 112
Fıre Service : 110
Polıce : 155
Jandarma : 156
Health Servıce Informatıon  : 184
Coast Guard  : 158
Communıty Law Inforcement : 4448207
Water  Supply Problems : 185
Dırectory Inquırıes : 11880
Telephone Landlıne Problems : 121
Electrıcıty Supply Problems : 186
Funeral Servıces : 188
Alanya Turısm Advısory Offıce : 513 54 36
Alanya Infotourıst : 511 94 00 – 0800 511 40 01
Alanya Tourıstıc Hotelıers Assocıatıon : 514 34 74
Alara Hotels Assocıatıon : 527 53 88
İncekum Tourıstıc Hotels Assocıatıon : 510 13 00-517 14 59
Konaklı Tourıstıc Hotelıers Assocıatıon : 565 00 08 -0533 818 67 09
Mahmutlar Hotels Assocıatıon : 528 30 44 -0532 235 31 05
Kargıcak Tourısm Assocıatıon : 526 21 83
Kleopatra Hotels Assocıatıon : 0532 732 49 87


Alanya State Hospıtal : 513 48 41 
Prıvate Anatolıan Hospıtal : 522 62 62
Prıvate Yaşam Hospıtal : 512 14 55
Başkent Unıversıty Alanya Hospıtal  : 510 25 25 
Alanya Dıspensary : 513 21 41
0242 642 05 81
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